"The Final Word", a recent documentary film on the legendary Ahmad Shamlou directed by Moslem Mansouri, will be screened in Vancouver, Canada for the first time on Thursday Sept 3th Following by screenings in Seattle (Sept 6th) Portland (Sept 7th), United State.
After successful recent screenings at the San Fransisco-Tibroun International Film Festival, Art in Exile France, Sweden and Toronto , The Final Word, a recent documentary film on the legendary Ahmad Shamlou directed by Moslem Mansouri, will be screened in Vancouver, Canada for the first time.
The Final Word is the second documentary film about the legendary late Ahmad Shamlou, one of the most prominent and influential contemporary Iranian poets. In his poetry, Mr. Shamlou, spoke consciously of human suffering, injustice and love. Through his distinctive expression of language, he skillfully sided with the oppressed and opposed cruel regimes and their inhumane institutions.
Time; Thursday Sept 3th at 6pm
Place; UBC Norm Theather at SUB (6138 Student Union Blvd.)
فیلم کلام آخر جدیدترین ساخته مسلم منصوری درباره بزرگترین و تاثیر گذارترین شاعر معاصر ایران، احمد شاملو، پس از نمایش در فستیوالهای
بین المللی تیبرون در آمریکا، هنر در تبعید فرانسه و خانه هنر سوئد، برای اولین بار در
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